*AUS*B vs *RA*

Match report
B team VS RA

Map 1
There was a mix up with the start time, leaving us unprepared yet again. We had planned a walk through but SxB/Ds were busy working and couldn't do it. We allowed plenty of prep time but the Daylight saving issue came about and RA were an hour early. Server went up and away we went. We started with only 4 players as shadofx got lost somewhere and I had to call in def. (only reserve online). Players were HD, Lord, FS, Def and DS. We took the zone straight up and held it for a little while but they overcome us and held the zone for 8 min. Game over. We had no chance, we struggled to even get over the hill with Lucipher*RA* attacking from the right and Irish*RA* from the left.

Fought well and hard by both teams with the zone being controlled alternately by both teams. We had control right towards the end but lost it with 20sec to go. Really thought it was ours but unfortunately they overcome us once again. Lucipher*RA* did it to us again he attacked from the right and just wiped us out. Def and Lordo did a good job in getting zone time with our medics using all of their packs up on many occassions....

Map 3
Rev entered the game and took over from FS but this didn't help as HD decided to leave and we couldn't get a replacement. So with 4 players the result once again was a floggin. We tried our hardest and cleared the zone a couple of times but to no avail. They were to strong and eventualy held zone for 8 min near the end.