*AUS* vs =GH=


Map1 - Winter Trenches 1
Quietly confident about winning this game, we were still unsure. Both teams headed for the flag, there  was a couple of kills at the flag as A1GH took the flag & got an early start. then it was on for young  & old, campers & flag runners were doing there thing but not many could get passed TheBFG or MMoose which left an easy run for us flag runners to do our job. *AUS* came back strong but not to strong as =GH= were doing a fine job pressing forward & attacking the flag area The work load was spread out evenly between us & that's what made it work so well in this game.

Player                                  Score                        Kills                              Deaths
DS*AUS*                              2                                17                                    16
SL@*AUS*                           2                                 15                                   14
A1                                       2                                 11                                    19 
JOBBO*AUS*                         2                                 10                                    21
BFG*AUS*                             1                                 49                                    15
B*AUS*                                1                                 23                                    17
B12                                      1                                 13                                    18
MM*AUS*                             0                                 33                                    16
B14                                      0                                  33                                   27
B16                                      0                                  19                                   25
B20                                      0                                   14                                  32
B9                                        0                                   4                                    28

*AUS*   8
=GH=      3

Map2 - Winter Trenches2
Very confident now, we went into this game with big grins, & it showed as we were up 4 flags to zip till =GH= scored a flag, but we made sure that it was there last flag. MOOSE BFG & Sla & Bal were holding the enemy at bay while DS & JOBBO did there thing. We never realy had a plan but what we did have worked very well. =GH= kept coming though & would not give us any rest at all, very nice try by =GH=, but not quite enough to stop the *AUS* team.

Player                              Score                       Kills                        Deaths
JOBBO*AUS*                       4                              8                                15
DS*AUS*                            3                             12                                21
BFG*AUS*                           1                              48                               12
SL@*AUS*                         1                              29                                 8
B16                                    1                             15                                18
MOOSE*AUS*                      0                              45                                18
B14                                    0                              28                                28
B12                                    0                              15                                24
B9                                      0                              15                                35
B*AUS*                              0                               11                                12
B20                                   0                                9                                 28
A1                                    0                                1                                  28

*AUS*  9
=GH=   1

Map 3 - Texas Kickoff
This map we thought would be a different story to a point as it was an open area map. Jobbo had to go so in came JB to fill the spot. Was alot closer at the start but *AUS* soon took over & it stayed that way for the rest of the game more or less. JB went on a killing spree BFG pulled the big stick out of the closet & the rest off us grabbed flags. 2 medics worked well in this map, we even went to thier flagbay to take the flag off them twice. =GH= were gracious in defeat & we respect them alot, well done.

Player                          Score                       Kills                       Deaths
DS*AUS*                      5                              7                               8
Sl@*AUS*                    2                              11                              8
B*AUS*                        1                             19                              10
A1                               1                              10                              20
B20                              1                              3                                23
JB*AUS*                       0                              41                               5
BFG*AUS*                      0                              26                              10
MOOSE*AUS*                 0                              22                                17
B14                               0                              18                                21
B12                               0                              11                                14
B9                                 0                              10                                24
B16                               0                               7                                 27

*AUS*    8
=GH=       2

A very good game by both sides, =GH= are a very good team & we hope to have more games with you guys
Cheers ;-)
