*AUS* vs UK-DF


Webmasters League

Map 1
This map was more of a CQB map than a sniper map, with 1 river running through the center of a town with spawns on either side. We started of at a disadvantage as the host was from UK somewhere but that did not stop us from doing our best. Echo was our major problem as he was killing us at will & there was nothing we could do to stop him. Snappy flanked right & tried to do some semi sniping from about 150M while the rest of us was doing our best to try & rape them. we did ok as they did not get a  great score over us but it was not good enough as they came out the victors

Player                           Score                        Kills                     Deaths
Echo                              70                            31                          19
Balistic DFB                   47                           19                           26
1/2DEAD                      45                            22                           16
Slaughter  DFB              42                            16                          19
Hando   DFB                 30                            13                          23
StevieB*PR*                 28                             15                         16
Tiny Flower*PR*           16                             8                            7
Snappy  DFB                14                              7                           9

UK-DF  Win

Map 2
Was a sniper map only , it was about 500 meters in all directions with snow. We did ok in this 1 as the scores were very close the whole game, we were all running around like idiots looking for some 1 to kill, not allot of luck there but we did what we could. It came down to the last minute & the scores were level as they got 2 quick kills & won the game.

Player                       Score                        Kills                          Deaths
Echo                            32                            16                               9
1/2DEAD                    14                             6                                6
Hando DFB                13                              6                                5
Slaughter DFB             13                             5                                4
Snappy   DFB             12                             6                                10
Balistic  DFB                8                              4                                 7
StevieB*PR*                6                             3                                  4


This 1 was more close quarters, more like a standard map. Once again LAG played a big part in this as it did in the others, was very tough to find the sweet spot. As the last map, Tiny Flower*PR* was not in this game as did balistic pull out for some reason.  was very close again right throughout this map until Echo came over & raped us, This put the game out of reach for us as Echo was very much the man of the day.
Well done to all.

Player                       Score                        Kills                           Deaths
Echo                           43                             20                               13
Slaughter DFB             32                             14                               10
Snappy  DFB               14                             7                                12
1/2DEAD                     14                             6                                 9
Hando DFB                  12                             6                                 2
StevieB*PR*                 12                             5                                 7

UK-DF  Won

UK-DF  3-0 win

Great games, was laggy for us but take nothing away from the opposition, its all part of the game. They deserve the win.
