*AUS* vs =GH=


TDM Friendly 

Very laid back kind of match-up tonight, with no one from either team seeming that keen for a fast-paced, blood frenzy. Still, it had its moments and was quite a good series of games nonetheless. Most intense action seemed to come in the pre-game map while waiting for everyone to join up. That is, until I blew up their armoury, inadvertently putting a premature end to that fun. Oops! Lag was good all night, with only Maverick reporting the one C.I. 

Just one footnote to this report – Balistic is actually spelt with two l’s. Did anyone ever notice that? I didn’t until spell check picked up on it. Hell, is he even aware of it? Haha.

Map 1: Pine Valley

With no definite game plan, we all just kinda set out to rid the earth of =GH= soldiers in any way possible. Firebird caused his usual damage through the middle and right, while Scorpion covered the centre well with some nice sniping work. Maverick, Balistic and I headed out right and did alright, as long as Faded Sun =GH= wasn’t there. Some nice accuracy displayed from that young lad. When asked what Snappy did, he replied, “I had a big gun.” So one can only assume he had a blast, and that’s backed up by the fact he was our leading scorer in that game. We had this game in the bag from the start and never looked like we were in trouble. Final margin blew out to almost 100 from memory.

Faded Sun =GH= 54 26 26
Snappy*AUS* 50 25 10
S *AUS*  49 23 7
Z*AUS*  39 19 19
Firebird*AUS* 38 19 8
Cpl Seifer=GH= 23 11 23
Balistic*AUS* 21 10 5
SGT Ch0pper=GH= 16 8 19
CPT Krusty=GH= 14 7 16
Maverick*AUS* 8 4 8
PTE Blade =GH= 8 4 19


Map 2: Egyptian Tunnels

I laugh at the name of this map, cause I don’t think I saw one person go down the tunnels. I could be wrong, but seemed to me everyone was more intent on pursuing action above ground. Firebird had connection problems in this game, and only joined in for the last half, so we played with 5 men for most of the game. During this time when we were down on personnel, we were also down on the scoreboard. It was very level pegged for a while until FB made it back, and thankfully, swung the balance back our way. Snappy and his big gun went berserk out to the left, while Balistic, Maverick and I did our usual thing out right. Firebird cleaned up the middle, while Scorpion took pleasure in announcing his first kill very late in the game. Haha nice job mate J. It seemed like Faded Sun=GH= and SGT Ch0pper=Gh= were running a two man game during this map, as I didn’t really notice any of their other guys at all. Chop kept us frustrated all game with his sniping from the big ass hill behind their re-spawn, while Sun just did whatever he pleased….and generally got away with it.

Faded Sun =GH= 59 28 21
Snappy*AUS* 43 20 9
Z*AUS* 41 19 20
Balistic*AUS* 38 18 13
SGT Ch0pper=GH= 23 12 1
C15=GH= 23 11 18
CPT Krusty=GH= 19 9 17
S *AUS* 19 8 7
Firebird*AUS* 10 5 5
Cpl Seifer=GH= 10 5 8
Maverick*AUS* 9 4 10
PTE Blade =GH= 2 1 11


Map 3: Winter Tower 

Someone said just before this game started, lets have some fun on this one. And we did. I think those must have been =GH= sentiments too, cause their tactic of stacking as many as they could into the tower drove us insane. Every time one of us would make a charge for the tower in the hope of blowing the thing sky high, we’d be picked off by one several gunners waiting at the top, or the two snipers they had positioned in the hills behind the tower. SilverBullet joined us for this game in the place of Snappy, and well, what can u say. The man just took over. I’m glad he’s on our side, cause I’d hate to have to play against him in a tourney game. Again, we were down for the first part of this map, then proceeded to make it our own with some very tidy sniping work from just about everyone on the team. My 600m headshot on a running target will not only be remembered by me, but also by those who had Faded Sun in their sights. BOOKAYASHA! Everyone had a good game in this map, with SB and FB the standouts.

SilverBullet 60 27 11
Firebird*AUS* 55 25 7
SGT Ch0pper=GH= 28 14 14
Faded Sun =GH= 28 13 18
Z*AUS* 27 13 11
S *AUS* 26 12 5
C15=GH= 25 12 16
Balistic*AUS* 19 8 3
Cpl Seifer=GH= 14 7 15
PTE Blade =GH= 13 4 14
Maverick*AUS* 5 3 10
CPT Krusty=GH= 2 1 9


OVERALL: *AUS* 3 vs =GH= 0. 

Not a difficult match up, but certainly a fun one. Well done to everyone involved, can’t wait for the next one.

Report by Zak*AUS*